
News on 2020 pilot experiences

The first pilot including seven basic level Learning-AM-for-Life courses was successfully carried out in November – December 2020. With 1333 enrolments to the 7 courses and 196 persons finishing their course, the participation in the pilot was beyond expectations.

The typical learner participating in the pilot courses was working full-time in engineering or R&D department, or in management. A fourth of the learners consisted of full time students. In addition, retired and self-employed people took part in the courses. One third of the learners was female and two thirds male.

The learners responding to the feedback questionnaire rated their learning experience from the courses, on a scale from one to five stars, on average as 4.4 stars:

4.5 stars

The feedback from the learners was mainly positive and constructive. Below you find some testimonials from the learners participating in the Learning-AM-for-Life courses:

“This is very good course for business management”.

“Really interesting! It’s great seeing additive manufacturing’s applications in various fields. The examples from this video as well as those mentioned previously in the course, notably the component for the GE LEAP, were really helpful in understanding the cost/operational benefits of AM”.

“Again an excellent lecture. The video demonstrates the use of CFD with AM to produce an innovative product that could not have been achieved otherwise”.

“I have not been involved previously in my companie’s use of additive manufacturing tools and want to educate myself sufficiently to get a base understanding”.

“Not being a mechanical engineer the entire process seems magical to me. Where I work our primary use initially for AM was rapid prototyping within an automotive manufacturing company to visualize production parts. Since then that usage has expanded to the creation of replacement parts for mechanical machinery”.

“Thank your team for enjoyable clear concise introduction to Metal Additive Manufacture. I like the regular testing of our knowledge gained at each stage. I hope that will encourage student discussion in comments if more clarity is required before progressing the next stages. The visual displays are excellent and help to explain any text.”

“Clear concise explanation of how AM EBM works in practise and some of the pros and cons. The slides are very helpful in understanding the process. The use of vacuum enable highly reactive metal powders such as Titanium Alloys to be processed in complex near net shapes mesh parts used in medicine”.

“Another very useful learning experience thank you. Look forward to next week”.


Feedback from learners gave us practical ideas for improving the content of the courses.